Page 81 - APT_v2
P. 81
-Lili: I am very preoccupied by the rate of unemployment in our country.
-Justin: So am I…but, by the time I get to trading, I hope things will have
-Lili: What do you think about our new President?
-Justin: I think he is too soft and I am very disappointed. He had said he
would do things for us but…I don’t see any changes. Do you?
-Lili: Neither do I. My mother is fed up with working to pay her charges
and taxes only and disappointed to see that nothing is done for us. For
example, she was expecting the government to settle actions such as a
kind of ‘citizen services’ in the idea of the old ‘military service’ in order to
make us all stand up and do things instead of staying in bed. Would you
agree with that?
-Justin: Might be good…as long as we get trained to learn to do things
and get paid for it!
-What is the idea suggested by Lili’s Mum to make youths get up in
the morning instead of them staying in bed until 12?
Principales constructions des verbes to say et to tell :
a)-to say. Vous avez tord, dit-il.
“You are wrong”, he said. Dis “bonjour” à la dame.
Say “good morning » to the lady.
b)-to tell.
They told him to wait. Ils lui dirent d’attendre.
He told us that he was tired. Il nous a dit qu’il était fatigue.
On voit que to tell est suivi d’un complément direct de personne
(exceptions : expressions comme to tell the truth (dire la vérité) ; to tell
lies (dire des mensonges) ; to tell a story (raconter une histoire).
A.Traduire :
497.Il ne dit jamais un mot.498. Elle lui dit qu’il était à sa disposition
499.Quel genre de personne est-il, me dit-elle? 500.Qu’est-ce qu’il t’a dit?
501. Il m’a dit de travailler vite et bien.502. Dites-nous ce qui s’est passé.
-Lili: I am very preoccupied by the rate of unemployment in our country.
-Justin: So am I…but, by the time I get to trading, I hope things will have
-Lili: What do you think about our new President?
-Justin: I think he is too soft and I am very disappointed. He had said he
would do things for us but…I don’t see any changes. Do you?
-Lili: Neither do I. My mother is fed up with working to pay her charges
and taxes only and disappointed to see that nothing is done for us. For
example, she was expecting the government to settle actions such as a
kind of ‘citizen services’ in the idea of the old ‘military service’ in order to
make us all stand up and do things instead of staying in bed. Would you
agree with that?
-Justin: Might be good…as long as we get trained to learn to do things
and get paid for it!
-What is the idea suggested by Lili’s Mum to make youths get up in
the morning instead of them staying in bed until 12?
Principales constructions des verbes to say et to tell :
a)-to say. Vous avez tord, dit-il.
“You are wrong”, he said. Dis “bonjour” à la dame.
Say “good morning » to the lady.
b)-to tell.
They told him to wait. Ils lui dirent d’attendre.
He told us that he was tired. Il nous a dit qu’il était fatigue.
On voit que to tell est suivi d’un complément direct de personne
(exceptions : expressions comme to tell the truth (dire la vérité) ; to tell
lies (dire des mensonges) ; to tell a story (raconter une histoire).
A.Traduire :
497.Il ne dit jamais un mot.498. Elle lui dit qu’il était à sa disposition
499.Quel genre de personne est-il, me dit-elle? 500.Qu’est-ce qu’il t’a dit?
501. Il m’a dit de travailler vite et bien.502. Dites-nous ce qui s’est passé.