Page 19 - Bienvenue
P. 19
Class of 2014
Research engineer «Community work is
my best memory at
in artillery at ENSEA. Working and
Naval group having responsibi-
lities inside various
associations made Mounir «Since childhood
me thrive. I was I’ve been dreaming
involved in the students’ association, I Class of 2018 of a kind of com-
presided over ENSEA Course Croisière, Founder of pany that would be
I participated to the 4L Trophy. Some HyFriends able to change the
unforgettable experience that enriched world by fighting
me with new skills !» social injustice and
striving for the common good : the
Social Company. My ambition was to
let everyone know about social and fair
economy. Inviting great names of social
and fair economy at ENSEA was a true
adventure. Through such experience, I
learnt that when you believe in yourself,
Students’ association Sports’s association when you work in team and forget
that it may be impossible, you can
To manage the everyday lives of students, All sports, trainings, competitions, team succeed.»
parties, induction weekends, the School’s sports or individual sports.
club (La Cave) Clubs : BDS, ENSEAviron, Ski Club, ENSEA
Clubs : BDE, la K-fet, le Foyer, La Cave, Course Croisière, 4L de l’Entr’Raid
le Gala, les Paniers Bio, Epicuria
Technology association Art association Solidarity association
Made in ENSEA objects, the electronics For all art enthusiasts, whether you take For students who wish to promote
DIYers club participating to the national action or not (theatre, singing, drawing, solidarity, openness to the world and
robotic competition, the junior company exhibitions), a geek centre, etc. commitment to worthy causes at ENSEA.
Clubs : BDT, Wave, Ares, made In ENSEA, Clubs : BDA, Léz’arts, Spec’, eSound, Clubs : BdlS, HUM’ENsea, ENSE’Asie,
Junior ENSEA, Astrum Dans’ea , Arena, TYO greenSEA, Idées Croisées ENSEA, AMFS,
ENSEActiv’, le FIP, INO, Bien dans tes
Baskets, ENSEAfrica
Contact Student Office
Associations 19
Class of 2014
Research engineer «Community work is
my best memory at
in artillery at ENSEA. Working and
Naval group having responsibi-
lities inside various
associations made Mounir «Since childhood
me thrive. I was I’ve been dreaming
involved in the students’ association, I Class of 2018 of a kind of com-
presided over ENSEA Course Croisière, Founder of pany that would be
I participated to the 4L Trophy. Some HyFriends able to change the
unforgettable experience that enriched world by fighting
me with new skills !» social injustice and
striving for the common good : the
Social Company. My ambition was to
let everyone know about social and fair
economy. Inviting great names of social
and fair economy at ENSEA was a true
adventure. Through such experience, I
learnt that when you believe in yourself,
Students’ association Sports’s association when you work in team and forget
that it may be impossible, you can
To manage the everyday lives of students, All sports, trainings, competitions, team succeed.»
parties, induction weekends, the School’s sports or individual sports.
club (La Cave) Clubs : BDS, ENSEAviron, Ski Club, ENSEA
Clubs : BDE, la K-fet, le Foyer, La Cave, Course Croisière, 4L de l’Entr’Raid
le Gala, les Paniers Bio, Epicuria
Technology association Art association Solidarity association
Made in ENSEA objects, the electronics For all art enthusiasts, whether you take For students who wish to promote
DIYers club participating to the national action or not (theatre, singing, drawing, solidarity, openness to the world and
robotic competition, the junior company exhibitions), a geek centre, etc. commitment to worthy causes at ENSEA.
Clubs : BDT, Wave, Ares, made In ENSEA, Clubs : BDA, Léz’arts, Spec’, eSound, Clubs : BdlS, HUM’ENsea, ENSE’Asie,
Junior ENSEA, Astrum Dans’ea , Arena, TYO greenSEA, Idées Croisées ENSEA, AMFS,
ENSEActiv’, le FIP, INO, Bien dans tes
Baskets, ENSEAfrica
Contact Student Office
Associations 19