Page 15 - Bienvenue
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tItningn-eodgve aretseiaorcnh
Enjoy two internationally renowned research laboratories within
the school. Every year, over 110 doctoral candidates are preparing
a thesis in one of these laboratories.
Research teams welcome many Master and doctoral By choosing the CIFRE program (Industrial Research Agreement),
students from ENSEA or students from other French you can pursue your doctoral research within a company and
or foreign graduate institutions. collaborate with a research lab. You may directly take part in an
applied project while working on a doctorate.
Within a Cergy doctoral school lab « Science and Obviously electronics, IT and applied mathematics foster collaboration
engineering », preparing a PhD constitutes a between our school and companies, regardless of the size of the
three-year professional experience in the academic company.
or industrial world.
ETIS laboratory - systems and information QUARTZ laboratory (EA 3649) : Science and
processing team (UMR 8051) complex systems engineering
160 people among whom 50 teachers-researchers, 170 people among which 75 teachers-researchers, 20 post
20 post-doctoral students, 60 doctoral students and about doctoral students, 50 doctoral students and about 20 trainees
20 trainees every year. every year.
Four research teams dealing with most fields of information Industrial, fundamental booming topics : Complex systems,
processing and onboard intelligence: Multimedia Indexing Mechatronic systems, Cyber Physical Systems, Internet of Things,
Research and Data Integration - Information, communication Semantic web, Multi-physics scale and compact models ;
and date - Architecture, systems, Onboard reconfigurable units Operating safety and dynamic systems reconfiguration ; Intelligent
technology - Neurocybernetics. materials…
Research projects crossing new technologies and cultural
heritage. Research contact
Pierre +33 1 30 73 62 89
Class of 2016 «Parallel to my third year, I pursued a Master’s double degree in AI research so as to know the
PhD Student in world of academic research. Such experience added to an internship in image processing and
Deep Learning and AI, in one of the research laboratories, incited me to pursue doctoral research at the ETIS lab.
Computer Vision During the doctorate, we are taught research by doing research so as to become experts in
the field we chose. We also learn to develop stronger analytic skills, essential exactness and
methodology when working as researcher. It means writing scientific papers, presenting work
during national or international lectures, mentoring interns and teaching.»
Research 15
Enjoy two internationally renowned research laboratories within
the school. Every year, over 110 doctoral candidates are preparing
a thesis in one of these laboratories.
Research teams welcome many Master and doctoral By choosing the CIFRE program (Industrial Research Agreement),
students from ENSEA or students from other French you can pursue your doctoral research within a company and
or foreign graduate institutions. collaborate with a research lab. You may directly take part in an
applied project while working on a doctorate.
Within a Cergy doctoral school lab « Science and Obviously electronics, IT and applied mathematics foster collaboration
engineering », preparing a PhD constitutes a between our school and companies, regardless of the size of the
three-year professional experience in the academic company.
or industrial world.
ETIS laboratory - systems and information QUARTZ laboratory (EA 3649) : Science and
processing team (UMR 8051) complex systems engineering
160 people among whom 50 teachers-researchers, 170 people among which 75 teachers-researchers, 20 post
20 post-doctoral students, 60 doctoral students and about doctoral students, 50 doctoral students and about 20 trainees
20 trainees every year. every year.
Four research teams dealing with most fields of information Industrial, fundamental booming topics : Complex systems,
processing and onboard intelligence: Multimedia Indexing Mechatronic systems, Cyber Physical Systems, Internet of Things,
Research and Data Integration - Information, communication Semantic web, Multi-physics scale and compact models ;
and date - Architecture, systems, Onboard reconfigurable units Operating safety and dynamic systems reconfiguration ; Intelligent
technology - Neurocybernetics. materials…
Research projects crossing new technologies and cultural
heritage. Research contact
Pierre +33 1 30 73 62 89
Class of 2016 «Parallel to my third year, I pursued a Master’s double degree in AI research so as to know the
PhD Student in world of academic research. Such experience added to an internship in image processing and
Deep Learning and AI, in one of the research laboratories, incited me to pursue doctoral research at the ETIS lab.
Computer Vision During the doctorate, we are taught research by doing research so as to become experts in
the field we chose. We also learn to develop stronger analytic skills, essential exactness and
methodology when working as researcher. It means writing scientific papers, presenting work
during national or international lectures, mentoring interns and teaching.»
Research 15