Page 46 - APT
P. 46
-Justin:I saw your father yesterday.
-Lili:Oh yes…where?
-Justin:At the train station. He was getting into his car, in the car
park…probably on his way back from Paris.
- Lili:Where were you?
-Justin:Well, I was there too because I was waiting for a friend who was
in the same train.
-Where did Justin see Lili’s father yesterday?
Tableau des pronoms personnels, réfléchis,réciproques et possessifs
Pronoms personnels .Pronoms rélféchis réciproques possessives
I am looking at myself the mirror is in front of me it is mine
You are it is yours
He is looking at yourself the mirror is in front of you it is his
She is it is hers
It is looking at himself the mirror is in front of him it is its
We are it is ours
You are looking at herself the mirror is in front of her it is yours
They are it is theirs
looking at itself the mirror is in front of it
looking at ourselves the mirror is in front of us
looking at yourselves the mirror is in front of you
looking at themselves the mirror is in front of them
Ces pronoms sont des mots invariables. Le « s » des pronoms n’est pas une marque
de pluriel
Mine=le mien, la mienne, les miens, les miennes, à moi.
Ours=le nôtre, la nôtre, les nôtres, à nous.
Les pronoms ne sont pas précédés d’un article.
This book is mine. Where is yours? Ce livre est le mien. Où est le tien ?
Remarques :
Us se prononce (et s’écrit souvent) ‘s à l’impératif.
Let’s go for a walk ! Allons faire une promenade!
Le pronom complément est toujours placé après le verbe.
Le connaissez-vous ? Do you know him ?
Je les attends I am waiting for them
Il nous a vu hier. He saw us yesterday.
Le pronom sujet n’est pas répété, il n’est pas remplacé par un pronom complément.
Mon frère et moi, nous aimons beaucoup la musique.
My brother and I are very fond of music.
Moi, je le connais. I know him (on peut accentuer verbalement le pronom personnel
pour le mettre en relief.)
-Justin:I saw your father yesterday.
-Lili:Oh yes…where?
-Justin:At the train station. He was getting into his car, in the car
park…probably on his way back from Paris.
- Lili:Where were you?
-Justin:Well, I was there too because I was waiting for a friend who was
in the same train.
-Where did Justin see Lili’s father yesterday?
Tableau des pronoms personnels, réfléchis,réciproques et possessifs
Pronoms personnels .Pronoms rélféchis réciproques possessives
I am looking at myself the mirror is in front of me it is mine
You are it is yours
He is looking at yourself the mirror is in front of you it is his
She is it is hers
It is looking at himself the mirror is in front of him it is its
We are it is ours
You are looking at herself the mirror is in front of her it is yours
They are it is theirs
looking at itself the mirror is in front of it
looking at ourselves the mirror is in front of us
looking at yourselves the mirror is in front of you
looking at themselves the mirror is in front of them
Ces pronoms sont des mots invariables. Le « s » des pronoms n’est pas une marque
de pluriel
Mine=le mien, la mienne, les miens, les miennes, à moi.
Ours=le nôtre, la nôtre, les nôtres, à nous.
Les pronoms ne sont pas précédés d’un article.
This book is mine. Where is yours? Ce livre est le mien. Où est le tien ?
Remarques :
Us se prononce (et s’écrit souvent) ‘s à l’impératif.
Let’s go for a walk ! Allons faire une promenade!
Le pronom complément est toujours placé après le verbe.
Le connaissez-vous ? Do you know him ?
Je les attends I am waiting for them
Il nous a vu hier. He saw us yesterday.
Le pronom sujet n’est pas répété, il n’est pas remplacé par un pronom complément.
Mon frère et moi, nous aimons beaucoup la musique.
My brother and I are very fond of music.
Moi, je le connais. I know him (on peut accentuer verbalement le pronom personnel
pour le mettre en relief.)