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eInnintgeyorunrsaelfttioothne waolrld

50% of students have an international occupation
Compulsory four-month international internship
152 international agreements among which 30 double degrees
Optional third language

An international campus: 49

Member of the N+i network: jobs 15
available all around the globe

FAME program : during Spring semester,
together in collaboration with ten American
universities, around twenty students have
the opportunity to take courses in English

Summer program. Over 20 students from
University of Michigan enter ENSEA for
6 weeks

«Buddy System». A student from ENSEA
mentors each foreign student

International schooling:

International double degrees

Academic exchange program with credit

International internships

Germany: TU Munich, TU Darmstadt, RWTH, TU Berlin - Argentina: UNSAM Buenos Aires
Austria: TU Vienne - Brazil: UN Brasilia, UFPR, UFRGS, UFBA - Canada: Université Laval,
Western Ontario et UQAC - Colombia: UNAL Bogota, UTB Cartagena de Indias - Ecuador: UDLA
Quito - Spain: UPM Madrid, ICAI Comillas - United States: IIT Chicago, GeorgiaTech Atlanta,
SUNY Buffalo - Finland: Oulu University - Italy: Aquila University, La Sapienza Rome, PoliMi
Milan - Japan: Osaka Prefecture University - Latvia: Riga TU - Norway: NTNU -
Portugal: Técnico de Lisboa, UP Porto - United Kingdom: Imperial College London, Bristol
University, Northumbria University - Russia: Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic
University, Ural Federal University - Slovenia: TU Ljubljana - Turkey: Galatasaray University,

Yeditepe University.

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