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Alice «I learnt more than a mere profession at ENSEA! It may sound
surprising but I think I wouldn’t have been able to do my current job
Class of 2013 properly without my training at ENSEA. I mean training in every sense
Manager at - schooling, teaching, learning responsibilities and autonomy and the
trust placed in us during three years.»
Neopost Services

Communication Computer Science and Networks and
systems Systems Telecommunication

Design and analyse circuits and systems Master applications and manage Learn to master coding and information
in the microwave field. projects and IT applications to transferring, analyse and evaluate
develop them on classical and performances of a network and its
Examples of final year internship: alternative machines, architectures security system.
and mobile platforms.
Developing on-board systems to Examples of final year internship:
integrate and design prototype vehicles - Examples of final year internship:
LGM Evaluation of solutions of virtualization
Studying and prototyping functional and integration of Orange technology -
Hardware integration of a Wifi platform - developments in an airspace surveillance ORANGE SILICON VALLEY
SYSTEMS Research engineer in mobile telephony in
Spreadable antennas for satellites - naval architecture - DCNS
AVIATION Integration mission and system
evaluation in the defense sector - SOPRA
Automatization of on-board networks STERIA
validation - ASTRIUM

Mechatronics Signal Processing and Jean-Baptiste
Artificial Intelligence
Learn to specify, model and analyse a Class of 2015
mechatronic system using Master the processing of video, footage Systems architect at
simultaneously mechanics, electronics and audio streams and design the Jaguar Land Rover, UK
and IT. transmission system.
«Arrived at ENSEA in 2012 after a
Examples of final year internship: Examples of final year internship: preparatory class, I was elected
president of the students’ association
Software development for hybrid vehicles Designing a 3D scanner with OCE PRINT in 2013 and 2014. It helped me grow
- MOTOR-E- LOGIC TECHNOLOGIES self-confidence and discover my
capacity as leader of a team.
Developing calculation and modeling Designing a human-machine interface This one in a lifetime experience arose
tools for radionavigation systems - with sensors to carry out motion tracking my desire to combine technique and
AIRBUS OPERATIONS related to dancing - INRIA project management. So I chose
on-board systems as a specialty,
Developing control strategies for an Designing a 3D acoustic environment for wishing to acquire an overall view of
electrical compressor - RENAULT a brain-machine interface - ENS this sector.»

Contact teaching
+33 1 30 73 62 29

Third year 9
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